The logo for springfield international charter school is purple and black.

Bullying Prevention Plan

SICS is dedicated to ensuring a safe, respectful learning environment free from bullying and cyber-bullying, promoting equality in educational opportunities for all students. The school has established a comprehensive Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan to address and eliminate bullying, cyber-bullying, and retaliation within the school and during school-related activities. This plan involves collaboration with students, staff, families, law enforcement, and the community to provide skills, knowledge, and strategies to all students, particularly vulnerable populations, to prevent and respond to bullying. SICS's commitment is supported by Massachusetts law, which prohibits bullying and retaliation in schools.


Bullying Complaint Form

Instructions for Completing and Submitting the Bullying Incident Reporting/Complaint Form:

  1. Download the Form: Click the link to download the Bullying Incident Reporting/Complaint Form.
  2. Complete the Form: Fill out all required sections of the form. Please provide detailed information about the incident, including the date, time, and location, as well as a description of the event.
  3. Attach Additional Documentation: If you have any supporting documents or evidence, such as emails, photographs, or witness statements, please attach them with the form.
  4. Submit the Form: Return the completed form along with any attachments to the Student Success Coordinator and the Principal. The form can be submitted in person, via email, or through the designated submission box if available.
  5. Follow-Up: After submission, you may be contacted for further information or to discuss the incident. The school is committed to a thorough investigation of all reported incidents.

Please note: It is important to report incidents as soon as possible to ensure timely and effective intervention.

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