The enrollment period is now open!
SICS is currently accepting applications!
SICS is currently accepting lottery applications for all grades
K to 12 for the 2025-2026
academic school year. The application period closes on Friday March 7th at 5pm .
A lottery will be held on Friday, March 14, 2025.
SICS actualmente está aceptando aplicaciones de lotería para todos
los grados K-12 para el año escolar 2025-2026. El periodo de aplicación cierra el viernes 7 de marzo a las 5pm.
La lotería se llevará a cabo el viernes 14 de marzo de 2025.
Click to Download Application in PDF Form -
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Lottery Procedure
Lottery Procedures
- All eligible applications received by the deadline will be entered into a public lottery. Applicants will be placed in the lottery by their grade as of the next school year.
- SICS will determine the number of seats available each year by grade level prior to the start of the new school year.
- The number of seats available for Kindergarten, in the next school year, will be determined, prior to the kindergarten lottery. That number will be based on the number of siblings that register for Kindergarten and the number of attending kindergarteners that may not be promoted to grade one and will repeat kindergarten.
- Notice of the lottery will be publicized at least one week prior to the lottery.
- Three separate lotteries, for every grade, will be held at the end of each enrollment period if there are more applicants than seats available, or if there is a Waiting List at any grade level.
- Students who have completed the enrollment process will be separated into one of the three below groups:
- Siblings (students who share a common parent, either biologically or legal adoption) of students who are already in attendance at SICS in the year of application, will be given preference for admission over non-sibling students. It is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian to inform SICS of any sibling(s) currently on the Wait List.
- Residents of Springfield will be given preference for admission over non-resident students
- Non-residents will be defined as Massachusetts residents who live outside of the City of Springfield.